You are here: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Defining Purchase Order Generation Form > Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders

This tab displays the value of the order for each creditor totalled from the lines on the Products tab. The Order No. field is updated when the batch is activated.

Field Description
Order No. Numbering is automatically generated from the System Numbers form, field Purchase Order No
Creditor Account No. Creditor details
Creditor Name Creditor details
Currency Currency attached to the creditor if its a FX creditor
Total Cost Total cost of the items on order,excluding GST/VAT
Total Cost FX Total FX cost of the items on order, excluding GST/VAT
Total Cubic Total cubic measurement of the order where the value is stored in the inventory record and is calculated as Qty Ordered * Cubic
Total Weight Total weight of the order where the value is stored in the inventory record and is calculated as Qty Ordered * Weight

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